Morto o Vivo (dead or alive)

Morto o Vivo

The name of this game means "dead or alive". One person calls out "morto" or "vivo". When the person calls out "morto" (dead) everyone crouches down. When they call out "vivo" (alive) everyone must stand up. If you get it wrong, you are out of the game. The winner is the last person left at the end of the game.

The School Day

At Clarencio school the children either come for lessons in the morning, or in the afternoon.

The morning session:

7.30am - 11am

break time: 9am - 9.20am

The afternoon session:

1.30pm - 5pm

break - time: 3pm - 3.20pm

Children at Clarencio School eat lunch at home.

At break times the children can have a warm drink made from corn.
Children drinking their break time corn drink

Milho: Corn drink

Capoeira at school

Sometimes a local capoeira teacher comes to Clarencio School. The children stand in a circle and clap in time to the music.

Children who want to join in can play capoeira with the teacher or with other children.

Find out more about capoeira

Pre - Carnaval

To celebrate carnaval at school, the children make masks and cut up newspaper into tiny pieces. They clear the tables from the classrooms and have a party. The newspaper is thrown like confetti and adds to the party atmosphere. There is carnaval music which the children enjoy dancing to.

Settimo - Nono Ano (Seventh - Ninth year)

There are older children at Clarencio School too...

7th year children are 12 and 13 years old

8th year children are 13 and 14 years old

The oldest children are in 9th year, they are 14 and 15 years old.

Sexto Ano (Sixth year)

Children in sixth year are 11 and 12 years old...

Quinto Ano (Fifth year)

Children in 5th year are 10 and 11 years old...

Here they are receiving their certificates for an astronomy competition

Here they are working hard...

Quarto Ano (Fourth year)

Children in Fourth year are 9 and 10 years old....

Terza ano (Third year)

Children in third year are 8 and 9 years old...

Segundo Ano (Second year)

Children in second year are 7 and 8 years old

Primo Ano (First Year)

Children in first year are 6 and 7 years old...

Here their teacher is reading them a story. Does your teacher read stories to your class?

Jardim (Nursery)

After pre - school, children in Brazil have two years of "Jardim". This means they have the same teacher for all of their lessons. They learn their alphabet and numbers.

These children are 4 years old and are in Jardim.

The children at Clarencio line up at the beginning and end of class. They hold on to the shoulders of the person in front. Do you do this in your class?

The School Bus

Clarencio School has a school bus which picks children up at 6.50am and takes them to school.

Younger children go to school in the morning from 7am - 11 am. The school bus then takes them home.
Older children don´t go to school until 2pm. The bus picks them up and then takes them home at 5.30pm.
The bus driver is very busy!

Cobra Sega (blind snake)

In Cobra Sega everyone stands in a circle. One child (the "blind snake") is blindfolded and they have to walk until they find someone.

When they touch someone, that person becomes the "blind snake".